The Second Chance

“The one who falls and gets up is stronger than the one who never tried. Do not fear failure but rather fear not trying.” ― Roy T. Bennett

During the GMTK jam, we've got lots of feedback(Thank you to everyone who played the game) 

And here are some small changes following the GMTK's jam
  • You no longer fails instantly after you made a mistake -although the game's original intention is about starting from the bottom if you fail, we still want people to actually be able to finish the game. (And failing unfairly to a bug is not fun for anyone)
  • Make the button looks disabled when it can't be used -one of the biggest problem we found is that a lot of players don't understand when the buttons can be used, this is due to a poor button feedback. Hopefully it made the game easier to understand and feel more polished
  • Added "Drip" noise when the fish can be flung again -Did you know that the fish actual recharges it's ability to fling when it hits other objects(beside the border). To make it clearer the fish will now have a sound queue when it can be flung again. (It will only play once after it's recharged)
  • Markers -Another problem we saw is, the lack of visual feedback of what the red line in game does. We decided to add an icon to make it clearer and we also added a build limit line too (Yes this is a feature and you might just thing that it's bug  in the last build)
  • Clearer voice -Reduced the music when "the voice" speaks 
  • More feedback sfx

Hopefully with this quick fix, the game will be in a more enjoyable state and if you haven't try the game, feel free to check it out!

Thank you for reading this blog

Get Fish and Stone

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